Monday Apr 15, 2024
4/14/24 - Jesus The Uniter - Romans 15:1–13 - Pastor Jason Fritz
Monday Apr 15, 2024
Monday Apr 15, 2024
In Romans chapter 15, Paul encourages the church to maintain her unity once again. It turns out, this was quite a challenge for early Christians. I’ll give you some examples of what was happening in the local congregations…
The church in Galatia was known for its legalism. The church in Corinth was divided because some were tolerating the kind of sins that many unbelievers didn’t tolerate. The church in Pergamum was splitting because Christians were marrying pagans and it appears their pagan gods were being introduced. Many of Paul’s letters aim at preventing division due to doctrinal perversion.
Some scholars believe that the church in Rome was the most fragmented of all. Primarily, because it existed in the heart of the Roman Empire at a time when Christianity was out of favor. Nero was torturing Christians and some researchers say that early Christian martyrs were turned over to Nero by other Christians. The motivation behind this was envy, jealousy and rivalry.
Churches have been known to divide over the smallest and most insignificant matters. So it’s little wonder that three times Jesus prayed for our unity. The request came at a remarkable time in his life. We don’t wake up knowing when we are going to die. Jesus did. He knew exactly how much time he had. What does he do with his last 24 hours? He spends time instructing his disciples and he prays. More than once, he prays for our oneness.
Paul urges the strong not to become a stumbling block to the weak by exercising liberties that might cause the weak to stumble. If they are walking in love, the strong will gladly surrender the exercise of their liberties for the good of the weak. The benefits our liberties offer are so small, and the blessings for limiting our liberties are so great that this should not be an agonizing decision.
There’s an aphorism you might be familiar with: “Might makes right.” What this refers to is society’s view of what is right is determined by those in power. The Christian ethic upends this. Those who are strong have an obligation to the weak. They are not to victimize the weak but to come to their aid. All for the sake of unity.
Monday Apr 08, 2024
4/7/24 - Eternal Not External - Romans 14:13–23 - Pastor Jason Fritz
Monday Apr 08, 2024
Monday Apr 08, 2024
This Sunday we're back in our study of Romans chapter fourteen. Paul isn’t finished talking about the importance of Christian unity. This can be challenging because we don’t all come from the same backgrounds, experiences and cultures. In Paul’s day, Rome was a cosmopolitan city with diverse people now joined together under the banner of Christianity. Many of these folks had very little in common.
Picture this incredible scene…
Jews and Gentiles, Greeks and Barbarians, servants of the house and owners of the same house sharing the same meal around the same table. Many come from pagan backgrounds and yet all are gathered together because of their newly formed faith in Jesus. This environment gave many opportunities for discord. One example Paul uses is that of eating meat. He introduces this at the beginning of chapter two.
One person believes he may eat anything, while the weak person eats only vegetables. Romans 14:2
Jewish Christians did not eat meat sold by the local butcher because it had been offered to pagan gods. For this reason the food was tainted so they kept it vegetarian. Gentile believers had no problem eating because they believed all meat was created by the one true God and idols are nothing. So what happens when the Gentile invites the Jew over for dinner? It could get awkward. There is opportunity for disunity.
Once again Paul helps us understand what it means to live in unity with one another in matters of conscience that are not sinful. I need to emphasize this - we are not talking about the clear violations of Scripture. Rather, this is between those whose faith is “weak” and those whose faith is "strong.”
Paul agrees with Jesus…
And he called the people to him again and said to them, “Hear me, all of you, and understand: There is nothing outside a person that by going into him can defile him, but the things that come out of a person are what defile him.” And when he had entered the house and left the people, his disciples asked him about the parable. And he said to them, “Then are you also without understanding? Do you not see that whatever goes into a person from outside cannot defile him, since it enters not his heart but his stomach, and is expelled?” Mark 7:14-19
Inanimate things such as food are morally neutral. However, if someone thinks such things are unclean, then for that person it is so. If a Jewish believer says, “I can’t eat what has been sacrificed to idols and if I do, I will be morally wrecked!” and you’re the host of this dinner party, then Paul has a warning for you.
For if your brother is grieved by what you eat, you are no longer walking in love. By what you eat, do not destroy the one for whom Christ died. Romans 14:15
Back in chapter twelve Paul gave us an incredible description of Christian love. It seeks to bless and honor others. One way the strong can bless the weak is by putting limitations on his or her Christian freedoms. R. Kent Hughes says that exercising Christian liberty is like walking a tightrope. As you walk the rope with a balancing pole in your hands, one end of the pole is "love for others" and the other end is "Christian liberty." When these are in balance, you walk as you should. The stronger Christian voluntarily gives up his freedoms out of love for his weaker brothers and sisters. This is the way we maintain unity within the body and show the world we are disciples of Jesus.
Tuesday Apr 02, 2024
3/31/24 - Easter at Illuminate - Pastor Jason Fritz
Tuesday Apr 02, 2024
Tuesday Apr 02, 2024
Monday Mar 25, 2024
3/24/24 - Uncommon King - John 12:12-19 - Pastor Jason Fritz
Monday Mar 25, 2024
Monday Mar 25, 2024
This weekend we celebrate Palm Sunday which marks the time when Jesus arrived in Jerusalem riding on a donkey. The crowds waved palm branches as a sign of respect as he passed by. They shouted, “Hosanna!” which means, save us! This is the action displayed by those who are receiving their king. However, by the end of the week, some of these same people will be shouting, “Crucify him!” What happened? Well, Jesus was not the king they wanted him to be, but rather he was the king they needed him to be. You see, they did not understand the ultimate purpose for which he arrived. If Jesus came riding a white horse and wielding a sword to cut down the Romans - what ultimate good for mankind does that accomplish? He would not come in human power but in divine humility. As a result, his kingdom had greater impact than anyone could imagine. Jesus was different. He is the King of love and strength. Unlike the kings of this world who crave power, Jesus came to serve and to die for his people. There’s an old hymn that confronts our response to the truth of who Jesus is... Crown Him or Crucify Him Mary Brainerd Smith Today you have come to the valley of choice, Today to your heart speaks the Saviour’s own voice, “Tis your hand must lay the wreathed crown on my brow, Or drive cruel nails thro’ my pleading hands now.” Crown Him or crucify Him, which shall it be? This is the choice from which you cannot flee; Crown Him your King, or most surely ‘tis true, You crucify Jesus, your Saviour anew. Do you say with the Christ you have nothing to do, That the crown and the cross have no meaning for you? Yet the choice you have made, and your Saviour nailed then To a cross of neglect where He suffers again. Crown Him or crucify Him, which shall it be? This is the choice from which you cannot flee; Crown Him your King, or most surely ‘tis true, You crucify Jesus, your Saviour anew. Your job can’t die for your sins why would you worship the career path? Your politics can’t die for your sins so keep them in their proper place. Your wealth can’t die for your sins so stop bowing to your stuff. Your family can’t die for your sins so don’t make them your king. Only Jesus did what no other could do. Let’s keep the crown in its proper place!
Sunday Mar 17, 2024
3/17/24 - Let God Be Judge - Romans 14:1-12 - Pastor Jason Fritz
Sunday Mar 17, 2024
Sunday Mar 17, 2024
Normally, diversity does not easily breed unity. The human tendency is to judge and look down upon those who are different than we are. This was certainly true in Paul’s day. The Jews living in Jerusalem viewed the Jews living in Rome as sellouts because they had adopted Roman customs. The Jerusalem Jews shunned Roman culture and therefore they were holier…or so they thought. Both groups looked down on the Gentiles who practiced paganism and had very little spiritual life. When people from these divergent groups met Jesus they soon met together. Their backgrounds had very little in common but their present belief in Christ brought them close. There had never been anything like Christianity in forming heterogeneous groups. Yet much was to be overcome because some of the differences were quite intense. This is what Paul addresses in Romans chapter 14…
"As for the one who is weak in faith, welcome him, but not to quarrel over opinions. One person believes he may eat anything, while the weak person eats only vegetables." Romans 14:1-2
It was the "Meat-eaters" versus the “Vegetarians." The simple solution is to create two distinct churches. Paul gives another and better choice. Take the higher and more noble road and live together in harmony. But how?
1. Don’t despise each other.
2. Don’t judge each other.
3. Welcome each other.
4. Let God be one another’s judge.
"Let not the one who eats despise the one who abstains, and let not the one who abstains pass judgment on the one who eats, for God has welcomed him. Who are you to pass judgment on the servant of another? It is before his own master that he stands or falls. And he will be upheld, for the Lord is able to make him stand." Romans 14:3-4
The weak are inclined to say, “You should not be doing this!” The strong are inclined to say, “You’re so immature!” If we are to be honest, we would have to say both misguided attitudes are within each of us. One of Paul’s main points is that people with opposing viewpoints on non-essentials can both be perfectly right with God.
Now to be clear, we are not talking about issues of sin. We are not talking about basic doctrines such as the deity of Christ, salvation by faith or matters of moral conduct as listed in the Ten Commandments for example. Instead, these are matters of Christian conscience.
"Why do you pass judgment on your brother? Or you, why do you despise your brother? For we will all stand before the judgment seat of God; for it is written, “As I live, says the Lord, every knee shall bow to me, and every tongue shall confess to God. So then each of us will give an account of himself to God." Hebrews 14:10-12
Twice in these verses Paul refers to us as family members so we should treat each other this way. Then he essentially says that we should stop trying to be God and leave the judging to Him. This should cause us to pull back from a critical spirit because God will hold us accountable for playing His role. Some things are less important than others and we need to pray that God will give us the wisdom to see what is essential and where we need to display liberty and charity for the sake of unity.
Sunday Mar 10, 2024
3/10/24 - Love Without End - Romans 13:8-14 - Pastor Jason Fritz
Sunday Mar 10, 2024
Sunday Mar 10, 2024
This Sunday we read from the last half of Romans chapter 13. It is beautiful. It contains the distinctively Christian virtue of love. I say, "distinctively Christian" because of the specific Greek word used by Paul - agape. This word is rarely used outside of the Bible. Yet it is the primary way in which Christians are commanded to love each other - without condition and without end. It is this unending love in action that gave rise to the spread of Christianity around the Mediterranean. The world had never seen anything like it.
First century AD culture was deeply divided and separated. There was strong prejudice in every direction. There were deep lines of division between male and female, Barbarian and Greek, Jew and Gentile, slave and free. Class differences kept people from speaking to each other. “Stranger” and “enemy” were the same word in many languages.
This was the backdrop against which Jesus said to his followers, “love one another” and, “love your neighbor." As the years went by and as people from all walks of life embraced Christianity something remarkable began to happen. Former enemies considered each other family. They sat at the same table holding hands and sharing food. It was unheard of before this time.
"Christian" is a word that was made up by those who were trying to identify this unusual collection of people. The name was not invented by Christians themselves. Christ means messiah and the suffix ‘ian’ means party of or belonging to. (Romans soldiers called themselves Caesarians, meaning they belonged to Caesar.) This diverse group was brought together by Christ. They were the party of Jesus!
How did it begin? With this attitude of heart...
Owe no one anything, except to love each other, for the one who loves another has fulfilled the law. Romans 13:8
Friends, we have a lifelong debt of love. No matter how much you give, you are called to give more. You never reach a point where you say, “I have loved enough, I’m done!” The motivation for this is God’s love for us. God loved us immeasurably through his son Jesus. We understand His love to the degree that we love others.
Sunday Mar 03, 2024
3/3/24 - Heavenly Citizens of Earth - Romans 13:1-7 - Pastor Jason Fritz
Sunday Mar 03, 2024
Sunday Mar 03, 2024
Romans chapter thirteen is famous for its words relating Christian conduct and human governments. This is not the first place in Scripture we read these things. In Matthew chapter twenty-two we find an interaction between Jesus and a group of men who were trying to trap him. This group was an unusual alliance between two types of Jews. The Pharisees, who represented religious life in the Jewish community, did not like Roman rule. The second group was the Herodians. These Jews didn’t mind the Roman way of life. In fact, they supported the Roman government and paid their taxes. These unlikely allies came together in order to put Jesus to the test. They did so with one very clever question: “Is it lawful to pay taxes to Caesar or not?”
If Jesus responds by saying, “No, do not pay taxes to the Roman Emperor,” then he will be accused of being a traitor and possibly an insurrectionist. Rome had no tolerance for men like this. If Jesus says, “Yes, go ahead and pay your taxes to Caesar,” then he will be accused of being a Roman sympathizer by the Pharisees. So it seems there is no way out. Either way, he will be accused of wrongdoing. Jesus' enemies are sure they’ve got him trapped.
But Jesus responds in the most brilliant way. He says, “Why do you put me to the test, hypocrites?” He’s saying they come from a place of moral superiority but he knows their words and deeds do not match up. Jesus replies, “Show me the coin,” and, “Whose face is on this coin?” They said, “Caesar.” Jesus delivers, "Therefore give to Caesar what is Caesar's, and give to God the things that are God’s." This is the answer of a genius intellect. On one hand, he is acknowledging the validity of human government. On the other hand, he is putting limitations on it.
Caesar minted the coins and his image is imprinted on them, so in this sense they are his property. However, all humans bear the image of God. Therefore, all humans belong to God. It’s as if Jesus says, “This coin has the likeness of Caesar, but you have the likeness of God." This is the most profound political statement ever made. The critics cannot accuse him of being a traitor or a Roman sympathizer. They have nothing to do but walk away. Paul’s words in Romans chapter 13 give further expression to what Jesus said to his enemies.
Here are a couple of questions for Christians this election year: How are citizens of heaven supposed to relate to human governments? What kind of citizen is God calling you to be while on the earth?
Tuesday Feb 27, 2024
2/25/24 - Love Inside and Out - Romans 12:9-21 - Pastor Jason Fritz
Tuesday Feb 27, 2024
Tuesday Feb 27, 2024
Last Sunday we looked at Romans 12:3-8. We read about having our minds renewed in Christ. This has a profound effect on who we are and what we do. A renewed mind manifests itself in loving those inside and outside the church. How exactly is this done? Paul tells us what Christian love is, and is not. This is necessary because in our day we use the word love to describe affections that are not all the same. For example, you might hear someone say they love ice cream and then a minute later they tell you they love their spouse. Are they really talking about the same kind of love? Depends on the flavor…fair enough.
The ancient Greeks however, had four primary words to describe different types of love. Philia (close friendship), eros (romantic), storge (family) and more rarely, agape (Divine love used to describe God’s affection for humanity). This love is unwavering, unconditional and authentic.
"Let love be genuine." Romans 12:9
Of those four main Greek words for love, the one Paul uses above is agape. This is a persistent love that seeks to understand how one can be a blessing to another. It does not give up.
The word genuine means to be sincere. In other words, don’t fake it. It’s like when you smile and thank the police officer for giving you a speeding ticket. Don’t deceive yourself into thinking you're loving someone when in reality you are neglecting them. This is a call to honestly evaluate your heart and ask yourself the question, “Do I love without hypocrisy?” “Do I love only those who love me?”
The question Paul is asking each of us is this: How do you know if your heart and mind have been renewed in Christ? The answer is found in who and how you love those in the church and those in the world.
Monday Feb 19, 2024
2/18/24 - How To Think About Yourself - Romans 12:3-8 - Pastor Jason Fritz
Monday Feb 19, 2024
Monday Feb 19, 2024
Last Sunday we covered the first two verses in Romans chapter twelve. Paul exhorted us in this way…
"I appeal to you therefore, brothers, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship. Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.” Romans 12:1-2
In the verses that follow, he explains how to renew our minds, and as a result our lives will be transformed. This wisdom is needed today. Many (moreso the younger generations) struggle with these questions...
How should I think about myself?
How should I think about others?
What is my purpose?
For the Christian, these questions have been answered in a way that brings life and meaning. If you’ve been wondering why you should live for God; here’s one answer - You will never have the life you’ve always wanted without a proper perspective of who God created you to be.
This is how we are not to think and how we are to think about ourselves...
"For by the grace given to me I say to everyone among you not to think of himself more highly than he ought to think, but to think with sober judgment, each according to the measure of faith that God has assigned."
Romans 12:3
There is a universal tendency in the human heart. We think we’re better than most. The cure is to think soberly according to the measure of faith God has assigned. The word measure can also be translated as standard and when read this way, it opens up the meaning. God has assigned to all of us the standard of faith which is Jesus himself. Paul understands that He is the yardstick by which we measure ourselves. This is very helpful. The main reason why you and I become arrogant and conceited is because we compare ourselves to others. And since everybody can look down on somebody, there is ample opportunity for the inflation of one’s ego. So here’s the correction: compare yourself to Jesus. Suddenly, pride gives way to humility and this allows us to think rightly about ourselves and others.
Monday Feb 12, 2024
2/11/24 - The Call To Commitment - Romans 12:1-2 - Pastor Jason Fritz
Monday Feb 12, 2024
Monday Feb 12, 2024