
Monday Jul 12, 2021
7/11/2021 - Through Many Tribulations - Acts 14
Monday Jul 12, 2021
Monday Jul 12, 2021
There is more suffering in the Christian life than you ever thought you could handle but there is also more joy than you ever thought possible.
It is necessary to understand the religious climate of the cities in which Paul visited. It’s now believed that the cult of Caesar was the dominant religion of Paul’s time in much of the Roman world. Caesar was deified and worshipped as a god in the flesh. It’s been argued that this is why Rome had such success in ruling much of the known world because the people willingly swore their allegiance to the god Emperor. They even offered sacrifices to him. Who needs an army to control the population when you have the people worshipping you and believing that you are a gift from the heavens? This is especially true in the cities where Paul has been preaching, particularly Antioch and Iconium. In both places there has been discovered imperial temples that were created for the worship of Caesar. A good example of this deification of Caesar can be seen in an inscription carved into an ancient government building. It speaks of Caesar Augustus who ruled the Roman Empire at the time of Jesus. Here’s what the inscription says…
Since Providence, which has ordered all things and is deeply interested in our lives, has set in most perfect order by giving us Augustus, whom she filled with virtue that he might benefit humankind, sending him as a savior, both for us and for our descendants, that he might end war and arrange all things, and since he, Caesar, by his appearance (excelled even our anticipations), surpassing all previous benefactors, and not even leaving to posterity any hope of surpassing what he has done, and since the birthday of the god Augustus was the beginning of the gospel for the world that came by reason of him.
Paul’s world the main “gospel” was the news of, or the celebration of Caesar. When Paul speaks and uses the word gospel he’s not inventing a new concept. He’s not saying "I’m here to give you a new religion.” Rather, Paul was using a word from his time but he was focusing it on a different person. He takes the word “gospel” and applies it to Jesus. It’s as if he says, “Everyone under Roman influence knows about the gospel of Caesar, but I’m here to tell you about the gospel of Jesus. My good news does not have Caesar at the center of worship, but rather it has Jesus as the center of worship. Jesus is the true king, not Caesar!” So Paul’s gospel is a direct challenge to the gospel of Rome. This is a bold and inflammatory statement. And one that does not go unnoticed, after all, this is the reason why Paul gets run out of town. (Acts 17:6-8)
Early believers were prepared for a life of hardship because their loyalty was to a different king. Obedience to this king will set you at odds with the kings of culture. Paul was not content to simply say, “Jesus is one of many gospels alongside Caesar", he said the gospel of Jesus is the only true gospel there is. It’s as true today as it was then, if you are heralding the gospel of Jesus, understand that the larger culture in which you live will view you as belonging to a subversive little group. However, from the standpoint of God, you are setting your face toward His kingdom. Absolutely incredible!

Monday Jul 05, 2021
7/4/2021 - Battle Ready - Acts 12
Monday Jul 05, 2021
Monday Jul 05, 2021
Over the course of history, human beings have tried to rival God. The first sin we see in the Bible occurs in Genesis 3, when Adam and Eve think they could become like God, disobey Him and eat the forbidden fruit. In Genesis 11, the people of the earth band together to build a tower that could reach the heavens. Their pride and arrogance led to a desire to be seen as gods. The Biblical story does not get any better when it comes to man's pursuit to rival God. In the end, every great ruler and every great nation falls to the hand of the one true God. History repeats itself as today, nations, politicians, and even celebrities, take their shots at trying to rival God. From early 2000’s Kanye West, to communist dictators, everyone has tried and failed at rivaling the one true King of the world and the only God.
This is good news not only for us today, but for the church in Acts 12. The church here is facing a really dark time. Having just mourned the loss of James, the son of Zebedee, they now get news that Peter has been arrested and sentenced to death. In that moment, the church teaches us a valuable lesson. Faithful prayers prepare and engage our hearts for battle. While the church is up all night praying for Peter, an angel of the Lord appears and breaks Peter out of jail. Even Herod's gate opens on its own accord for Peter to leave unharmed. The gates of hell, nor Herod’s gate, can prevail against God’s church.
Acts makes it clear that we are to join God in his mission of spreading the Gospel. The mission is clear, but that does not make the battle any easier. For many of us, the last year took us out of the battle and out of living on mission for God. This week, whether you’ve been out of the battle or fighting on the front lines, we will all be challenged to take the next step towards taking back ground for the Gospel. We are getting ‘Battle Ready’. We do all this with confidence, knowing that no person and no situation is too great for our God!

Monday Jun 28, 2021
6/27/2021 - Healthy Christians - Acts 11,13
Monday Jun 28, 2021
Monday Jun 28, 2021
Have you had a spiritual check-up recently? What goes in to making a healthy Christian? Early Christians had three necessary life ingredients along with one secret sauce. Here they are…
1. They received the Word of God.
2. They were filled with the Spirit of God.
3. They prayed constantly to God.
(Secret Sauce: They encouraged one another.)
Let’s talk about the secret sauce for a moment. Jesus told us that we should be known as His disciples by the love we show one another. This is why Christians need face to face interaction by regularly attending the gathering of the church body. A digital smiley face just doesn’t have the same encouraging effect.😀 Yeah, the real thing is much better. Physical proximity translates into relational connectedness. As you know, much is communicated nonverbally. Truth is verbal, love is nonverbal. It’s the look in your eye, it’s the tone of your voice, it’s your facial expressions, it’s the hand on the shoulder, these things reveal your heart for others. An emoji will never take the place of your God given face. When Jesus came to the earth he arrived in the flesh and dwelt with man. He did not arrive via video or chat or social media platform. He chose a time when it was nothing but “live.” Jesus’ physical presence was an encouragement to those who received him.
In the early church there was a man named Barnabas and he was really good at encouraging others. In fact, he had this special ministry that put fuel into the engine of individual Christians. He had the ability to speak with warmth and strength. I haven’t met too many people who were naturally good at this. It might not have been natural for Barnabas either. I say this because we are told that he was a man “filled with God’s Spirit.” This supernatural filling produced the fruit of love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. You and I have this same Spirit within us but are we yielding to him? It’s a moment by moment choice to exchange what is natural for the supernatural.
“God fill us with your Spirit now so that we can be the encouragement others need.”

Monday Jun 21, 2021
6/20/2021 - Paradigm Shift - Acts 10
Monday Jun 21, 2021
Monday Jun 21, 2021
"What God has cleansed you must not call common!” Acts 10:15
There’s a moment in church history that makes the sound of a thunderclap. It’s found in Acts chapter 10. Peter has been given the keys to unlocking the future of the church. God’s picture of the future is not something Peter anticipated. In fact God had to prepare him for it. Peter had many prejudices that needed to be torn down. God begins this process with a dream that includes unkosher animals. “Arise and eat!” he’s told. He says, “Never!” In his mind the animals before him are dirty, unclean and forbidden. It will take the consistent voice of God to convince Peter, and yet this vision is preparation for something bigger.
Gentiles should not be regarded as dirty, unclean and forbidden.
Gentiles and Jews did not mix. They had genuine hatred for each other. One viewed the other as nothing more than slave material and the other was perceived as immoral and profane. Could God really be uniting these two into one family? Yes and the proof comes when God tells Peter to visit a Gentile named Cornelius. Cornelius has questions about God and Peter is answering by telling him of Jesus. And then it happens. Cornelius believes and the Holy Spirit comes upon this Gentile and all who are with him. It cannot be denied. God’s family is all-inclusive.
God could have used an angel to bring the message to Cornelius but he didn’t. He used one of his own. Why do you think God does it this way? My dad was a mechanic and auto body repair guy. That’s what he did for a living. When I was little and he was working on a car I would look over his shoulder and wait for him to give me instructions. “Okay Jason, grab the pliers” or, “Hand me the screwdriver.” I remember feeling like a big kid because my dad and I were working together. So I did the same with my kids when they were little. At times there would be a bolt that was so tight I couldn't loosen it on my own. I needed the help of a strong four year old. So I would grab the wrench and then place that little hand on top of mine and together we would move the bolt. “We did it!” That little face would light up and so would mine. This is the joy that God gets when one of his children works alongside him. God had done all the preparation and Peter simply spoke the words. Let’s enter into joy of partnering with God by relying on the power he supplies!

Monday Jun 14, 2021
6/13/2021 - Changed! - Acts 9
Monday Jun 14, 2021
Monday Jun 14, 2021
Acts chapter nine records the most significant event in the history of the church since the coming of the Holy Spirit. The apostles' teaching that Jesus is the Jewish Messiah has blistered and enraged Jewish leadership. A short while ago, a man named Stephen preached Jesus to this stiff necked crowd. The mob is unable to refute his logic and they murder him under the authority of the Sanhedrin. There is one notable man present. A Pharisee-trained young man from Tarsus, the capital of the Roman province of Cilicia. He kept watch over the event and became inspired. He won the chief priests' permission to hunt Jesus-followers in Jerusalem. He imprisoned them, voted that they be executed, and tried to force them to blaspheme. In response, the Jesus-followers fled Jerusalem, scattering over Judea, Samaria, and as far as Syrian Antioch, not too far from Tarsus. Along the way, they discovered that God's salvation is for more than the Jews. The Holy Spirit came on Samaritans and an Ethiopian government official who worshiped the Jewish God…and he was a eunuch. Formerly, these men were excluded from the worship of God. Not anymore. Truly, Jesus is for everyone.
The young Pharisee would become famous by writers referring to him as Paul. He personally encountered the resurrected Jesus and was forever changed. He would go on to become the most successful church planter of all time. The hunter has become the hunted. His peers want him dead. He is after all, a traitor. But Paul would use his zeal for Jesus. In other words, he became a sanctified version of himself. He didn’t change his “foot on the gas" ways. He simply turned the car in a new direction. How about you? Are you thinking you have to be someone you’re not. No one can be you better than you. So be yourself for God’s glory and you’ll discover what you were truly designed to do.

Monday Jun 07, 2021
6/6/2021 - Jesus Is For Everyone - Acts 8
Monday Jun 07, 2021
Monday Jun 07, 2021
God has many beautiful attributes. The one I’ve been thinking about most is His sovereignty. This means not one thing escapes His notice. Not one thing in your life or in the life of this world catches God by surprise. He controls it all in the palm of his hand. Practically speaking, what does this mean for us? Oftentimes we experience the unexpected and unwelcome. God is in control and when our minds begin to drift toward fear, his sovereignty brings us back.
God’s sovereignty extends to salvation also. If you’ve ever wondered how God could reach the farthest person then look no further than Acts chapter eight. It’s here we see the unexpected conversion of an Ethiopian eunuch. God is opening the gospel door wider than anyone expected. Now included: those who were previously excluded from the worship of God. Maybe, just maybe God would choose to save the Samaritans because they had some Jewish blood in them, but a eunuch was categorized as “unfit." Yes, it’s happening. Jesus is for everybody. Also with this conversion we will see the gospel taken to the ends of the earth. It’s just remarkable to see this progression. Through human history God sovereignly works to get his message to those sincerely seeking to know the Savior. But here’s the thing…when God works, he works through men and women. People like you and me. This is an incredible honor and privilege we’ve been given. There’s no joy like seeing someone receive salvation. Have you experienced this? You and I don’t know exactly how God is working behind the scenes. But he’s always preparing people for the words he will give us. Let’s pray for the moment, take the opportunity and rejoice in God’s sovereign plan of salvation!

Tuesday Jun 01, 2021
5/30/2021 - Die Better - Acts 7
Tuesday Jun 01, 2021
Tuesday Jun 01, 2021
The early Christian author Tertullion said, “The seeds of the gospel have been sewn with the blood of the saints." The life and death of Stephen, the first Christian martyr proves this to be true. Stephen’s death teaches us to expect suffering if we follow our Savior. But we also can expect His faithful presence with us and His welcome into heaven when we leave this life. So let’s entrust our souls to Jesus and do what is right. It’s not always easy. We have an enemy trying to beat us down. Are you feeling a bit weary trying to maintain your witness for Him? Remember this: Jesus always uses the suffering of His saints for His greater purpose and glory.
No one suffers for Christ in vain. The persecution that arose against the church scattered the seeds of the gospel. Watching Stephen die had a profound and unforgettable effect on Saul. (Also known as Paul.) He continued fighting against Jesus by fighting His followers, but finally, the Lord powerfully saved him. Stephen’s sermon and his courageous, calm death softened the soil of Saul’s heart, preparing him for that later conversion. Paul later wrote, “Therefore, my beloved brethren, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that your toil is not in vain in the Lord” (1 Cor. 15:58).
The Lord is mindful of your service for Him, and He will duly reward even a cup of cold water given in His name. You were created for this my friends. There are no useless parts in the body of Christ. Whatever you or I do for His name’s sake counts in eternity. Keeping this in mind helps us defeat discouragement and we do not lose heart in the battle. Keep fighting the good fight until He calls you home. Jesus will be welcoming you!

Monday May 24, 2021
5/23/2021 - Resolving Conflict In The Church - Acts 6
Monday May 24, 2021
Monday May 24, 2021
Would it surprise you to know that one of the top three reasons people leave their church is because of interpersonal conflict? (Number 1 answer - not being fed spiritually.) Acts chapter 6 describes these growing pains and the leadership’s response. You see, the early church had two different groups under one roof. Although both groups were Jewish, one spoke Greek and the other Aramaic. Funny how the smallest things can divide people. Greek speakers were feeling neglected by Aramaic speakers. Their basic food needs were not being met. When the apostles learn this they appoint seven men to take charge of dispersing the food to meet everyone’s need. In other words, it’s important that we bear one another’s burdens. I believe this environment made the church irresistible then and perhaps even more so in our world today - a world that is eating its own.
One of the seven men chosen to help was Stephen. He will be the first martyr. Listen to this description of him…
"And Stephen, full of grace and power, was doing great wonders and signs among the people." Acts 6:8.
He was full of grace and power. That’s an interesting combination. As it turns out, these are essential characteristics for furthering the Gospel. Power by itself can overwhelm and intimidate. Grace will soften even the hardest heart. I get the feeling that Stephen understood the power was not in himself, but rather it was God’s power through him. Therefore he could not take credit because it was all by God’s grace. That same power and grace enables us to build the Christian community in love!

Monday May 17, 2021
5/16/2021 - Powerful Witnessing - Acts 5
Monday May 17, 2021
Monday May 17, 2021
Acts chapter 5 contains one of the more sobering accounts in the New Testament. A man and woman receive judgement from God and both die in the midst of the church assembly. What’s going on? They wanted to appear generous without being generous. The church is the bride of Christ and He will protect her from corruption. Since then, God has given the church authority to watch over herself. Jesus gave us specific guidelines in Matthew 18.
Purity is important.
This amazing story reveals that when two things are combined there will be real change in the world: personal purity + the gospel of Jesus. Purity gave the church her power. Nothing robs the church of her influence more than when our words and actions are incongruent. Show me a church that’s pure and I’ll show you a church of influence.
Where there’s influence there’s opposition.
The lives of the apostles inspire me. Their dedication is remarkable. The attitude of the apostles is part of the reason why they were able to do what they did for the Lord. They are rearrested and told, “Did we not strictly command you not to teach in this name? And look, you have filled Jerusalem with your words about Jesus.”
Have we filled the Valley with our words of Jesus? Do people in our area – our friends, neighbors and relatives know about Jesus? Do they know about his love and forgiveness and grace? If we are going to make a difference in the world we have to preach Jesus. We must have the attitude that, no matter what, we will tell others about him. Our purity and integrity is an open invitation giving us the ability to speak into the lives of others. Opposition will tempt us to be silent. So let’s remember the words of the Apostles, “We must obey God, rather than men!"

Monday May 10, 2021
5/9/2021 - Can't Stop Talking - Acts 4:1-20
Monday May 10, 2021
Monday May 10, 2021
I’m mindful of the tender heart of Jesus in Luke chapter 13:34, "O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, the city that kills the prophets and stones those who are sent to it! How often would I have gathered your children together as a hen gathers her brood under her wings, and you were not willing!" Jesus compares his heart to the heart of a compassionate mom. This heart would give its own life for the early church.
At first, things seemed to be going so well. The church was birthed out of a passion and devotion for God and his people. Whenever the Kingdom of God advances we should expect a push back. Up until this point the church has been in favor with all the people. That’s about to change. Peter has been preaching Jesus on the temple grounds. The religious leaders (Sadducees) begin to take notice and they do not like what they see and hear. This is the first instance of opposition. You would think that it would come from Godless men but instead it will come in the form of the most religious people in the city.
What could cause such backlash? Peter has been proclaiming that the dead will rise in the name of Jesus. The Sadducees did not want this name being said. Remember, this is the same group of religious elites that delivered up Jesus to be crucified. They thought they had pulled out that little thorn. But now they are hearing his name again and again...
"...for we cannot but speak of what we have seen and heard.” Acts 4:20
How about you? Can you say the same? Let me put it this way - How often are you outside of your spiritual comfort zone? Are you known by those around you as a follower of Jesus Christ? It might be time to get out of the boat and start walking on the water. You were saved for a purpose and part of that purpose does not involve selfishly holding on to what you have. Instead, we share it with others trusting the Holy Spirit for the results. If resistance comes, know you’re in good company!