
Monday Apr 11, 2022
4/10/22 - Palm Sunday - Matthew 21:1-13 - Pastor Jason Fritz
Monday Apr 11, 2022
Monday Apr 11, 2022
My favorite character in the movie Shrek is Donkey. You can’t help but love and cheer for him. He’s affable, likable, self-reflective and the portrait of humility. You may know that during times of war ancient kings rode horses but during times of peace they rode donkeys. Jesus is communicating something with his choice of transportation. This is not a messiah warrior mounted on a massive white stallion, but rather a humble messiah slowly approaching on something common. This is the picture of a humble sin-bearer. Needless to say, this figure was not dominant with the Jews of Jesus’ day. They were looking for a political champion who would free them from Roman rule. Certainly, the religious leaders thought this was all a big joke. It was blasphemy to have a supposed Jewish king suggesting peace. They wanted to kill him for it.
It’s been said that sin comes about when the servant puts himself or herself in the place of the king. Salvation comes when the king puts himself in the place of a servant. What kind of a king does that? One that thoughtfully chooses his ride. Christianity is unique because it promotes a salvation through humility.
Not everyone in the crowd understood Jesus. Many of the people waving palm branches embraced him for the wrong reasons. They were thinking of the temporal benefits he would provide. They thought he would usher in an age of peace and prosperity. Even his own disciples wanted this. They wanted a political savior and as a result, their faith was shaken when he was crucified. Only afterward did they become emboldened when they experienced his resurrection.
The application here is this – if you follow Jesus only for what he can give you in terms of financial prosperity, good health and other temporal benefits then your faith will be shaken and perhaps even destroyed. What happens when trials hit you? What happens when you get sick or when you suffer financial loss? If Jesus exists only for your earthly happiness then you are in trouble. Jesus could have very easily put an end to Rome’s rule and replaced it with Jewish freedom. He had that kind of power. But that was not going to give people freedom from their sins.
So why do you follow Jesus? Some say, “I am following Jesus because I want to be a better person.” Ok, that’s fine but Jesus didn’t come to make you a better person. Others say, “I follow Jesus because I want Him to give me a Godly marriage.” That’s a legitimate request that he can supply but that’s not why he came to the earth. Many have said, “I follow Jesus because I have deep emotional hurts from my past, and I want Him to heal me.” Again, he can do that, but that is not his primary purpose in your life.
The reason we follow Jesus is because of who He is: God’s Anointed One, the rightful King over every heart and life. He died for your sins, arose from the grave, and is coming back in power and glory to reign over all. Until then, whether you struggle with tribulation, distress, persecution, poverty, health issues, or death itself, you can overwhelmingly conquer if your faith is in Him as your Lord and Savior.

Monday Apr 04, 2022
Monday Apr 04, 2022
Abram sells out his wife…
Have you ever been confronted with a threat that causes you to go into preservation mode? Abram has entered Egypt but he has a unique challenge. He realizes that the beauty of his wife will appeal to the Egyptians and they will kill him to get her. He starts the conversation with his bride something like this…”You know Sarai, you are stunning. You are more beautiful than all these Egyptian women.” Good words so far. She is liking this. He continues, “You are the most beautiful woman in the entire country…and that’s gonna be a problem for me…so I have a plan that involves telling a half truth and you becoming Pharaoh's wife.” Things just got awkward between them.
So the plan is to tell Pharaoh that Sarai is his sister which is kind of true because in chapter 20 we learn they have the same father but not the same mother. So that’s strange but the DNA lines may have been more pure at this early date. Later God will give marriage restrictions but for now they hide the wife part and focus on the sister part. (Now I don’t know if ancient Egyptian men had a thing for older women because Sarai is 65 years old. It’s been said that Semitic women don’t fade early.)
Abram is trying to protect himself and in doing so he puts his wife in a very vulnerable situation. When we sin, we don’t sin alone. It always effects those around us. We saw this with Adam when the entire race was infected by his disobedience. Every account of sin in the Bible includes with it the damage done to others. As a result of this lie Abram becomes rich. Pharaoh gives him a large dowery and takes Sarai for himself. For awhile Abram must have thought, “My plan worked better than expected. I’m being blessed, look at all this stuff!” Material blessing does not mean you are in God’s will. Isn’t it easy to find reasons to do something wrong and afterward find justification in every direction?
Ideally Abram would have believed God’s promises and said, “God promised me children, Sarai is my wife and though she is barren God will somehow keep his promise and we will be kept safe.” Abram has forgotten God in all this. No communication with Him through prayer or worship. God understood the special place Abram and Sarai would have in his redemptive plan and no king or ruler was going to stop it. If Pharaoh keeps Sarai then how is she going to have a child with Abram? God intervenes to keep his word. God is capable of moving heaven and earth to fullfill his promises.
Failure is never fatal with God.
Abram will get back on track in the next chapter. I have failed God in my testimony but God keeps loving me. Sometimes it’s like three steps forward and two steps back. Over time, Abram will come to see the faithfulness of God in his life even as he doubts. Be encouraged and take the test and make it your test-imony of faith in God!

Monday Mar 28, 2022
3/27/22 - The Call Of God - Genesis 12:1-3 - Pastor Jason Fritz
Monday Mar 28, 2022
Monday Mar 28, 2022
A couple of weeks ago I talked about the meaning of the word genesis. As you can see, it contains the word gene. Essentially these mean the same thing. So there’s no surprise when the first three verses of chapter 12 give us a major piece of DNA code unlocking the entire Bible.
Now the Lord said to Abram, “Go from your country and your kindred and your father's house to the land that I will show you. And I will make of you a great nation, and I will bless you and make your name great, so that you will be a blessing. I will bless those who bless you, and him who dishonors you I will curse, and in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed.” Genesis 12:1-3
God gives Abram his calling in life. He also makes a promise to Abram and forms it into a covenant between the two of them. It actually turns out to be a one-sided covenant because God uses himself as collateral.
Notice that God blesses Abram and then tells him that he will be a blessing to others. The call of God on one’s life means you will influence others because it gives your life mission. You are changed so others can be changed by you. You ask, “How can I be a blessing?” God says the same thing to you as he said to Abram, "Go forth!" Get out of your security and comfort zones.
The place where you feel most uncomfortable is the place where you will feel most useful. You have people in your life who need you to tell them about Jesus and you are afraid. You don’t want to be criticized, or made to look bad, so therefore you are not a blessing to them. You’ve been asked to participate in a community group but you think that talking to others about your life just isn’t your thing. You won’t receive the blessing of being known and you won’t be a blessing if you continue to play it safe. We have many opportunities to serve inside and outside our walls. But that takes time and effort. To the degree that you are willing to get uncomfortable, it is to that degree you will experience the blessings of being a Godly influence.
Paul talks about Abraham (Abram) often when explaining what it means to be a Christian. Greek and Romans were coming to Christ, but the very first Christians were Jews and they thought it best if the Greeks and Romans became Jewish Christians. Paul tells them they have it wrong. There are no Greek Christians or Roman Christians or Jewish Christians. There are Christians who are Jewish, there are Christians who are Greek, there are Christians who are Romans. God is the God of all races and cultures. This was a revolutionary idea in its day.
So being a Christian actually means that all identities are subjected to your identity in Christ. This includes our gender, our sexuality and our birth places. We cannot be Americans first and then Christians, or white or black or brown first, and then Christian. The call of God says you can be a blessing to all people, when you are a Christian first. Christians don’t abandon their cultures, they gain an even stronger identity in Christ. This identity is our true calling. We are blessed to be a blessing!

Monday Mar 21, 2022
Monday Mar 21, 2022
“Science and technology have replaced natural selection in the process of evolution. Thereby bringing the greatest revolution in the history of humanity. History began when humans invented gods and history will end when humans become gods.” - Dr. Yuval Noah Harari
Transhumanism is a socio-political movement amongst intellectuals who believe that the next great leap in the advancement of humanity will come through technology. It has become the religion of Silicon Valley. The goal is to become post-human wherein technology driven by artificial intelligence frees us from our fundamental human limitations. No need for education or cultural refinement any longer. Instead the powerful algorithms of AI will educate us and we will be made happier and smarter than imaginable. Sounds too crazy to be true until you realize that the leading voices in technology are in fact Transhumanist practitioners.
What could go wrong?
There’s nothing new under the sun.
The ancient people of earth attempted to reach God for themselves by building a tower in the city of Babel whose head would reach the heavens. From there, they would attain God-like status and build a name for themselves…apart from God.
Similarly, some of the loudest influencers today talk about unity, harmony, and achieving paradise or utopia by human invention, science, technology, or even systems of government. The Tower of Babel gives the outcome. We can see how these plans have not nor will they work in the future apart from God. Transhumanism is a revival of the same ideas that inspired the architects of Babel. It's the same story but in a different time. Man has always wanted to be like God. Remember, this was the original temptation from Satan in the garden. “You shall be like God…"
Humans are inherently broken and sinful as a result of the Fall. The effects of sin cannot be overcome by human innovation or effort, only the saving grace of Jesus Christ. Once again, Genesis speaks loudly to our time.

Monday Mar 14, 2022
Monday Mar 14, 2022
Last week we saw God's man Noah step off the boat with his family. This post flood world was different in many ways. The heart of man however would remain the same. Therefore, in God’s goodness he brought forth a series of commands that were meant to restrain what comes natural to us all; including revenge.
When I was a student at ASU, one of my professors read these verses from Leviticus 24:19-21. If anyone injures his neighbor, as he has done it shall be done to him, fracture for fracture, eye for eye, tooth for tooth; whatever injury he has given a person shall be given to him. Whoever kills an animal shall make it good, and whoever kills a person shall be put to death. In an effort to show how ridiculous this is, the teacher quoted Gandhi who said, “If everyone practices an eye for an eye then the whole world will be blind.” Sounds good, right? Like maybe Gandhi has a better understanding of morality than God.
Here’s what Gandhi and my professor missed... Back in the day, without rules and laws, the world operated from the standpoint of revenge. For example, a few chapters earlier we read about one of Cain’s descendants, a man named Lamech. He brags about how a young man slapped him and in return Lamech killed him. So God’s command exists to restrain man's desire for taking things too far. “You bust out my tooth, I’ll kill you!” No, that’s not how this is going to go. The consequence will be in proportion to the offense. Additionally, the New Testament adds this in Romans 13:1-5.
Let everyone be subject to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God. Consequently, whoever rebels against the authority is rebelling against what God has instituted, and those who do so will bring judgment on themselves. For rulers hold no terror for those who do right, but for those who do wrong. Do you want to be free from fear of the one in authority? Then do what is right and you will be commended. For the one in authority is God’s servant for your good. But if you do wrong, be afraid, for rulers do not bear the sword for no reason. They are God’s servants, agents of wrath to bring punishment on the wrongdoer. Therefore, it is necessary to submit to the authorities, not only because of possible punishment but also as a matter of conscience.
Human authority is established by God. This includes law enforcement. Another way of saying it is that the police officer is ordained by God. Does this mean every officer is noble? Of course not. Neither is every politician, plumber or pastor…or at times perhaps you. Additionally, all human authority should be held accountable. However, to remove what is ordained by God is a big mistake. As Jordan Peterson says, “Be careful what you deconstruct when you have nothing to take its place.”
God is doing something else with these early commands to Noah. He is establishing rules that when followed, lead to a well ordered and healthy society. Take the Ten Commandments for example. Don’t carelessly take another person’s life. That’s good for society. Don’t pursue your neighbor's wife. Another great practice for maintaining healthy relationships around the neighborhood. Don’t take what belongs to your neighbor. That’s his or her property and not yours. That seems reasonable. Pre-flood mankind was a theater of violence therefore proving the need for humane laws. In God’s goodness he begins to give them to Noah as soon as he steps off the boat. Because man is made in the image of God, his life is inherently precious and cannot be taken without giving account to God.
Noah was the first to see the majesty of the rainbow. The rainbow is God’s way of reminding himself that he will never flood the earth again. For us, it is a beautiful reminder of God’s promises and that ALL of his words are true and his commands are right.

Monday Mar 07, 2022
3/6/22 - The Door Still Brings Salvation - Genesis 8 - Pastor Jason Fritz
Monday Mar 07, 2022
Monday Mar 07, 2022
Last week we were reminded that the flood is not primarily about Noah, a big boat, deep water or even judgment. The narrative is about what it takes to be saved. When God gave Noah the ark’s blueprints he specifically said to place a door on the side. This door would be the means through which salvation came. Can you hear the sound of that massive wooden structure closing, just as the final animals entered? Noah and his sons carefully covered the seams with pitch. When and where would that door be opened and to what kind of world? No indication that God spoke to Noah on this journey which lasted for over a year until finally God said, "Go out from the ark…". Go through that door! Until that day, Noah had to wait in faith. If Noah could wait upon the Lord, we who live under fuller revelation can as well.
Doors in the Bible are an interesting study. There was one door on the ark through which 8 people were rescued. Under Egyptian rule only those whose doors had blood over the post would be spared from death. Solomon’s temple had two doors through which the very presence of God was accessed by only one person, the high priest. These doors would provide the passage by which people would be saved. So it makes perfect sense for Jesus to declare of himself:
“Truly, truly, I say to you, I am the door of the sheep." John 10:7
This world offers you many doors to choose from but only one leads to eternal life!

Monday Feb 28, 2022
2/27/22 - The Flood and Salvation - Genesis 6:9-21 - Pastor Jason Fritz
Monday Feb 28, 2022
Monday Feb 28, 2022
Many are at least somewhat familiar with Noah. We can thank Russell Crow, Emma Watson and director Darren Aronofsky for bringing their version to the big screen in 2014. (Although not very accurate.) Most would remember there was a large boat and judgment along with a flood. But none of these things are the point of the narrative. This account is about how men and women are saved. Jesus compared his return by using the flood as an example. He said we should not be caught unaware like the people of Noah’s time.
For as were the days of Noah, so will be the coming of the Son of Man. For as in those days before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day when Noah entered the ark, and they were unaware until the flood came and swept them all away, so will be the coming of the Son of Man.
-Matthew 24:37-39
Noah lived by faith and walked with God. His decisions and actions pleased the one he served. He believed what God said was true.
Noah had more faith than you know.
God gave him specific building plans for the ark. But a couple of important things were missing. Where are the instructions for the rudder and helm? Noah had to trust God thinking, “God, you will have to take care of the sailing and the landing!” God would be the sponsor of this cruise and he is the captain of this boat. Think about this - Noah was not given the understanding as to how God was going to create this flood. There’s no indication that water had fallen from the sky before. While Noah built at day he preached at night..for 120 years! No doubt those around him mocked and attempted to make him feel very small. The culture labeled him a loser and religious fanatic. But with that first drop of rain Noah’s witness was proven right. Some of you feel like giving up. You are walking with God and there’s not one cloud in the sky...yet. There’s rejection and discouragement and at times you wonder if God is real. Do not give up and do not quit and you might have to wait for a long time but the time will come when God makes everything crystal clear. If you are walking with God make no mistake about it, there will be a specific day when it is made evident to everyone that God is walking with you!

Monday Feb 21, 2022
2/20/2022 - Pre-Flood Chaos - Genesis 6:1-9 - Pastor Jason Fritz
Monday Feb 21, 2022
Monday Feb 21, 2022
Last week we looked into the lives of two brothers who lived long ago. Their names are Cain and Abel. Their relationship was cut short because one killed the other. Family dysfunction within the first family to walk the earth. Cain doesn’t show remorse and has no interest in doing the right thing or in doing what God desires. God gives him the opportunity to make things right but he doesn’t take it. As a consequence God tells Cain he will be a wanderer on the earth. In the last half of Genesis chapter 4 this is exactly what we see. Cain is a nomad but if you remember from last week it didn’t have to be this way. He could have turned things around. He could have changed but instead he remained defiant. He settles into a new life and has a family. But his descendants turn out to be just like him and worse. In fact, Cain has a great great great grandson named Lamech and he brags about how wicked he is by claiming to be ten times more violent than his ancestor. The world is filled with people who constantly think evil thoughts and always take evil action.
But it gets much worse…
In Genesis chapter 6 we learn that demons are inhabiting men and having sex with women. All of this paints a picture of the height of human depravity and the condition which God mercifully brings to an end by a flood. There is one righteous man (not perfect) whom God selects to do a new work: Noah. For over a hundred years he will preach a message of hope but none will listen. All the while he’s building a massive boat. Then one day begins just like any other. People are going about their lives and the sky opens, water falls and it doesn’t stop. People are caught unaware.
Jesus placed a high value on the flood story. (That’s how we know it’s true.)
For as were the days of Noah, so will be the coming of the Son of Man. For as in those days before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day when Noah entered the ark, and they were unaware until the flood came and swept them all away, so will be the coming of the Son of Man. Matthew 24:37-39
His point is simple. He said his return would be just like the flood. Some will not be ready. You see, one day God’s patience will come to an end. His justice will be brought to the earth by his son. The way of rescue is through him. We make ourselves ready by being obedient to God. Here’s the recipe: Love God + love others = prepared.

Monday Feb 14, 2022
Monday Feb 14, 2022
This Sunday we come to Genesis chapter 4. It contains a story of family dysfunction involving worship, pride and murder. This is the first killing of one human by another. It doesn’t take long to see more results of the fall. At the brith of Cain there was pain but there was also joy and wonder at what Adam and Eve created together. There is work and there is worship and there are little boys running around. As the boys get older, one begins working with animals and the other works with the ground. Both are good occupations. Both men know that God is to be worshiped and worship involves sacrifice so there is a giving of what they produce.
Cain brings something and Abel brings something. God accepts one and rejects the other. Why? Some say Abel gave an animal and that was better because it was a blood sacrifice. The text says that Abel brought the best of his flock and there’s no clear indication that Cain brought his best. Whatever the specifics, we do know exactly how God felt about it… "but for Cain and his offering he had no regard. So Cain was very angry, and his face fell." Cain’s response holds the clue to what’s really happening here. If his heart was in the right place he would have said, “God, somehow I missed it, how can I do this in a way that is pleasing to you?” But instead, his head is down, his lips are tightened and there’s no sense that he wants to please God. In fact, he’s flippant and obstinate. The problem was not the sacrifice itself, it was Cain’s heart. Worship is always about the heart.
In his most famous sermon, Jesus speaks directly to the heart of worship by saying we should not offer a sacrifice while we have not made things right with those we have offended. In other words, we should not be in church raising our hands if we are living a lie outside its walls. He’s telling us to make amends - especially with our church family. Once we’ve made it right, then come back because God wants a real connection with us, not one that is superficial or hypocritical.
I’ve been saying Genesis points forward to Jesus. Listen to the author of Hebrews as he describes the blood of Abel and the blood of Jesus…And to Jesus, the mediator of a new covenant, and to the sprinkled blood that speaks a better word than the blood of Abel. (Hebrews 12:24) Abel’s blood said, “Give me justice!” But Jesus’ blood said, “You are forgiven!” The blood that judges the unrepentant sinner also pardons the repentant saint. Let’s remember how good it is to know the gracious love of God. Meanwhile, when we are confronted with our wrongs let us be quick to repent rather than make excuses.
“One of the clearest marks of sin is our almost innate desire to excuse ourselves and complain if we are judged in any way.” James Boice

Monday Feb 07, 2022
2/6/2022 - The Fall and Marriage - Genesis 3:14-15 - Pastor Jason Fritz
Monday Feb 07, 2022
Monday Feb 07, 2022
As you probably already know, nearly half of all marriages end in divorce. Satan loves to take what is sacred and turn it into something disastrous. He was present with the first married couple and that’s where his diabolic attacks began. His game however can be undone.
Marriage is a journey. In order to be successful on the journey we need God’s wisdom. Remember, marriage was an early creation act by God and it was good. Apart from God, human efforts to fix things always fail. Some couples say, “We’ll just live together first to see if we’re compatible and then get married.” Statistics show that cohabitation actually increases the likelihood of divorce.
In God’s goodness he has given us the blueprints for successful marriage. But be forewarned…for both the husband and the wife some of these roles will seem like sandpaper. It should be stated upfront: No one’s worth resides in his or her role. God regards us all as having ultimate worth as co heirs of Jesus Christ.
Roles bring order to where there would otherwise be chaos.
We are called to serve one another. Marriage is all about subordination for both the husband and the wife. Christ-like subordination over time builds Godly character. If you are in a marriage for no other reason than individual, personal self-fulfillment then your marriage will be doomed because that’s not always going to happen. That puts tremendous pressure on a marriage. What you’re saying is, “My marriage should always make me happy.” You don’t marry so you can be made happy, you marry so you can be made holy. When a husband and wife fulfill their Biblical roles each has a unique place in imitating the self sacrificing life of Jesus Christ.
A word about singleness. Singleness reminds married couples not to idolize marriage. Jesus was single and fulfilled. He is awaiting his bride, the church, with a big banquet that takes place in heaven. Society tells you in order to fit in you must be attached to someone. That’s a lie. A Christian’s first and highest attachment is to Jesus. By God’s grace, each believer is to reflect the glory of God in all circumstances.