
Monday Aug 22, 2022
8/21/22 - Wrestling With God - Genesis 32 - Pastor Jason Fritz
Monday Aug 22, 2022
Monday Aug 22, 2022
Perhaps you’ve read the famous story of Jacob wrestling with God. I’m not convinced my Sunday school teacher gave me all the details. For example, the text says Jacob’s hip was put out of joint with a touch. I’ve always pictured it being something like a solitary finger placed on the joint to dislocate. However, the Hebrew words translated as socket and hip are actually used to describe flesh and meat. At the very least this would be the fleshy part of the inner thy including the groin. Not at all a simple touch but rather a force hard enough to dislocate the hip socket. One more thing about this area of the man’s body - it was considered the place of family blessing. More on that in a minute, but let’s read about the fight scene...
Then he (the angel) said, “Let me go, for the day has broken.” But Jacob said, “I will not let you go unless you bless me.” And he said to him, “What is your name?” And he said, “Jacob.” Then he said, “Your name shall no longer be called Jacob, but Israel, for you have striven with God and with men, and have prevailed.”
-Genesis 32:26-28
Fascinating that the angel says to Jacob, “...you have prevailed.” In other words, Jacob never tapped out, he persisted. He continued the fight because he strongly desired a blessing for himself... and God gave it to him.
So what’s the message for us? I think it fits the larger relationship between God and humans. God has a desire to bless. We have a desire to be blessed, but rather than wait on God to provide the blessing we try and make it happen. Jacob didn’t have to scheme and lie and manipulate, he simply needed to trust God as the gift giver.
Essentially, God says to him, “You don’t believe that I can give you a blessing apart from you helping yourself? Then here’s what I’m going to do, I’m going to wound you in the part of the body where you can generate your own blessing.” God wounds and heals us so we can receive what he wants to give us. Jacob, aka "Israel" will limp the rest of his days. The name Israel means, "one who struggles with God.” Is this not the story of the nation of Israel as God’s people from Exodus through Kings? God’s people struggle because they do not trust in Him alone to provide the blessings.
I think it’s really cool how God doesn’t give up on this guy. It’s like God wounds him so that he won’t wound other people. God gives him a new identity as a result of this one on one battle. Jacob is fully aware of God’s presence in his life. You will never know who you really are, that is to say you won’t know your true purpose nor will your life be what you want it to be without acknowledging God.

Sunday Aug 14, 2022
8/14/22 - A New Start - Genesis 31 - Pastor Jason Fritz
Sunday Aug 14, 2022
Sunday Aug 14, 2022
For the last few weeks, we’ve been reading about the life of a man named Jacob. He is the third generation recipient of God’s specific promises spoken to his grandfather Abraham. Jacob began his young life living up to his name which means “deceiver.” He deceived his father and stole a blessing from his brother Esau. This caused Esau to be violent with anger so Jacob fled. The family is torn apart. Jacob travels many miles away and finds a wife. However, his father-in-law double-crosses him. The man whose name means deceived gets deceived. He gets a taste of his own medicine. However, through this pain we begin to see glimmers of spiritual progress. You see there was a time when he referred to God as being the God of his father but not his own. That changes over time.
Kids raised in Christian homes must make their own faith decisions. These choices cannot be made for them. Good parents guide and set an example, but everyone must make his or her own decision to follow God or not. If you have a child and you’ve raised him or her in a God-centered home and they have chosen to walk away, know that the final chapters have yet to be written. It took Jacob decades to say, “God is my God.” And this happened as a result of much pain and heartache.
Let’s remember where Jacob has come from. He lied, betrayed and stole from his own family. He is on the run from a murderous brother and far from home. God is changing his character though his failures. There are no more lies and deceit. Jacob has moved from poverty to wealth and he has a family with whom he is returning home. Certainly God has done much for Jacob!
Yet this is a mere shadow compared to what Jesus has done for us.
And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose. For those whom he foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the image of his Son, in order that he might be the firstborn among many brothers. And those whom he predestined he also called, and those whom he called he also justified, and those whom he justified he also glorified. What then shall we say to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us? He who did not spare his own Son but gave him up for us all, how will he not also with him graciously give us all things? -Romans 8:28-32
God, "graciously gives us all things," not the least of which is eternal life!

Monday Aug 08, 2022
8/7/22 - Unusual Agencies - Genesis 30 - Pastor Jason Fritz
Monday Aug 08, 2022
Monday Aug 08, 2022
Genesis chapter 30 could be titled, “Birth Wars.” It’s the story of Rachel and Leah in competition. Each wants what the other has. Rachel was gorgeous but struggled to bear children. Leah was ordinary but fertile. She struggled to be loved. Leah has the upper hand at first, but after getting what she wants, she is still not satisfied. This is the true human condition. In the writings of Augustine we read this famous line:
“You stir man to take pleasure in praising You, because You have made us for Yourself, O Lord, and our heart is restless until it rests in You.”
Augustine is pointing out the fact that apart from knowing God through his son Jesus Christ, there will be a restlessness in your life. It is that God shaped void we try to fill with the things of the world. Your life is a series of choices that either move you toward God or away from God. When you make decisions that move you toward God you find that much needed rest. But for so long we’ve attached ourselves to things we think will satisfy…they don’t. Yet we are afraid to give them up. We live in a society that wants you to believe you are always a victim and never a conqueror. For many this has become their identity. The problem with a victim mentality is that people are not challenged to overcome their obstacles. Don’t think of giving up, think of giving over and be prepared for God to do something you never dreamed.
Consider Rachel, she had everything in her young life. Dreams of love surrounded her but that began to change when she realized, “I’m barren.” “How could this happen to me??” Have you ever faced this reality? “My spouse is cheating, my kids are a train wreck, my job is over, I have cancer, I’m addicted, I’m in jail. Me?”
Whether you are beautiful like Rachel or plain like Leah, we all have our problems. So here’s a lesson - Stop looking at others and set your eyes on what God is doing in your life. I would assume that Rachel probably needed some humility in order for her to be sympathetic to others. At first, she was the apple of her husband’s eye. But then that apple started to sour and her sister started to sweeten. Humans are fickle and fragile. Remember friends, there is an unconditional love God has already given you through his son Jesus.

Monday Aug 01, 2022
7/31/22 - The Deceiver Gets Deceived - Genesis 29 - Pastor Jason Fritz
Monday Aug 01, 2022
Monday Aug 01, 2022
“What goes around, comes around.” That’s a fitting title for our text. A few chapters ago we saw Jacob deceive his father. He tricked him as his father’s eye sight was failing and in the end Jacob received a family blessing intended for his brother. Jacob lives up to his name which literally means, “heel grabber.” When the twin boys were born Esau arrived first but Jacob was grabbing his foot as if to hold him back so that he could be the first born.
As a result of Jacob’s trickery toward his older brother he must leave his home and escape the murderous anger of his sibling. At the suggestion of his mother, Jacob travels to the land of her ancestors. It’s a long journey but he is told he will find a wife in this place. In fact, this is where he will get a taste of his own medicine from his uncle Laban. The deceiver will get deceived. Jacob will see himself in the man who manipulates him. As a result Jacob will change.
You probably have difficult people in your life - Laban type people. They are harsh, judgmental, deceitful, arrogant and manipulative. You cry out for relief but it just might be that through them we take a closer look at ourselves. Perhaps some of those undesirable traits are in us. Could this be God’s way of helping us see and refine what is in our own hearts? Do you see that God is working in all of life’s circumstances and relationships. He works through ALL things for our good and for this we have to trust him.

Monday Jul 25, 2022
7/24/22 - Stairway To (and from) Heaven - Genesis 28 - Pastor Jason Fritz
Monday Jul 25, 2022
Monday Jul 25, 2022
When Jacob deceived his father by bringing him some food in the way of Esau, Isaac asked, “How did you kill and prepare the game so quickly?” Jacob, acting as Esau said, “Your God gave me favor,” He doesn’t say “our God” or “my God.” Why? Because at this point Isaac’s God is not Jacob’s God. Jacob didn’t know God personally. You see, Jacob was a religious man, but he didn’t have a relationship with God. He knew about God because of his father’s faith but he didn’t know God himself. However, all this is about to change while on the run from his angry brother. Jacob is alone and isolated; a victim of his own deceit. Eventually, he gets tired, lays his head on a rock and begins to dream...
He sees a stairway bridging heaven to earth. Angels are traveling back and forth. God himself is orchestrating their movement. This is a sign to Jacob that God will be with him wherever he goes in spite of his failures. Jacob names the place Bethel, “The House of God."
We are all Jacobs in our own way. We find ourselves in flight because of our sins. But in our solitary places God ministers to us. There is a stairway that extends between heaven and earth for us today. God controls every step of it and the gate of heaven opens from the inside. Jesus entered first which means he allows entrance to those who believe in Him. This is the ultimate expression of God’s grace.
Are you at a place where you are guilty over your past, confused in the present, or anxious and uncertain about your future? Then maybe you’re at a place where God can break through and into your life. He won’t give you magical, instant solutions, but He will begin to work when you come to the end of yourself and admit, “God, I have a need or a circumstance I can’t deal with on my own. I need You!” That’s the place where grace—God’s unmerited favor—can take effect. The fact is, the house of God is anywhere his people need him to be.

Monday Jul 18, 2022
7/17/22 - How To Overcome Anger - Genesis 27 - Pastor Jason Fritz
Monday Jul 18, 2022
Monday Jul 18, 2022
Rebekah and Jacob develop a plan to steal the blessing from Esau and have it pronounced on Jacob. But there’s some intense deceit involved. They must take advantage of old dad’s failing senses. Jacob is smooth-skinned and Esau is hairy. Jacob will feel, smell and sound like Esau if they are successful. Jacob is not convinced of the plan, but not because he doesn’t want it, instead, he thinks it could backfire. He worries their deception will be discovered and dad will curse him. Mom says, “No, my favored son, we are making this happen and I will take responsibility!” The plan is enormously successful. But it also has unintended consequences. Esau is raging with anger and will not be satisfied until he takes revenge. However, Esau must take responsibility for his own misguided actions.
See to it that no one fails to obtain the grace of God; that no “root of bitterness” springs up and causes trouble, and by it many become defiled; that no one is sexually immoral or unholy like Esau, who sold his birthright for a single meal. For you know that afterward, when he desired to inherit the blessing, he was rejected, for he found no chance to repent, though he sought it with tears.
-Hebrews 12:15-17
This is an incredibly insightful commentary from the author of Hebrews. What’s being said is this - it was Esau’s love for himself that created his anger. You see, anger is always tied to that which you love. Now that may sound strange to you but it’s true. Anger is always an outgrowth of love. The more intense the anger, the more your true love is revealed. Think about it, when you read of an innocent person being falsely imprisoned, or alternatively someone who is guilty yet they escape justice - you might say, “Well that shouldn’t be happening, that’s wrong.” Your next thought is, “What do I want for lunch?” But when the boss calls you in to work on a Saturday you seethe with rage for hours or even days. Don’t you see the cause of your anger is what you love the most - and that’s you, your time, your freedom, your stuff. Thankfully, God’s Word gives us a threefold strategy. 1. Be aware of your anger, 2. Bring it before the throne of God and 3. Consider the grace of God in your life.

Monday Jul 11, 2022
7/10/22 - The Great Commandment - Matthew 22:34-40 - Pastor Scott Martin
Monday Jul 11, 2022
Monday Jul 11, 2022
What if you could directly ask Jesus one question, face to face, right now? What would it be? My guess is an overwhelming amount of people might ask Him, why am I here, or what am I supposed to do? There is an instance in Scripture where a man comes and asks Jesus a question like this. His goal was actually to discredit Jesus, as he didn't believe He was the Messiah. But, in typical Jesus fashion, He gave this questioning lawyer more than he bargained for. Just a few simple directions. These simple directions have made their way into almost every Bible-believing church that exists, but perhaps the most difficult aspect of these truths is how to put them into practice.
This Sunday, we jump a bit ahead of Genesis for a moment and walk through the direct words of Jesus. As a church family, let’s look into the teachings of Jesus, the Great Commandment, and ask ourselves do we have these commands written on our hearts? Bring a friend, let’s explore collectively.

Monday Jul 04, 2022
7/3/22 - In the Presence - Genesis 26:1-35 - Pastor Steve Johnson
Monday Jul 04, 2022
Monday Jul 04, 2022
“Where shall I go from your Spirit?
Or where shall I flee from your presence?
If I ascend to heaven, you are there!
If I make my bed in Sheol, you are there!”
(Psalm 139:7-8)
As we come to Genesis 26, we find what amounts to a short narrative of Isaac’s life. It’s interesting that, even though Isaac lived longer than any of the other patriarchs (180 years), less is recorded about him than any other. Genesis 26 is really the only chapter dedicated to his life.
Isaac's story in the first part of the chapter reminds us eerily of Abraham's "adventure" in Genesis 20. Both faced a famine, both traveled to the land of the Philistines, both lied about their wife, and both had to deal with Abimelech (who might be a particular king, or simply the title of the king of the Philistines at the time).
But Genesis 26 is not a simple repeat. What jumps off the text are the two visits from Yahweh Himself, the reiteration of the blessing promised to his father, Abraham, now upon Isaac and his offspring, and most of all, the praise and reality of God’s presence throughout Isaac’s ups and downs. Three times God makes it clear – He will be with Isaac in the future (vs. 3), He is now with him (vs. 24), and He has already been with him in the past (vs. 28).
We don’t talk about it a lot, but the reality is that, like with Isaac, God has, is, and always will be with you in every moment and in every situation to protect, bless, and help you. And how you respond to His presence has everything to do with how you will live your life. On Sunday, we’ll see how God’s presence changed Isaac’s life, and how it can change yours!
Until then, be encouraged with these words from the Psalmist:
In your presence there is fullness of joy;
at your right hand are pleasures forevermore.

Sunday Jun 26, 2022
6/26/22 - Sibling Showdown - Genesis 25:19-34 - Pastor Hudson Garcia
Sunday Jun 26, 2022
Sunday Jun 26, 2022
I have loved this series in Genesis because we have looked carefully at the origin story behind God’s plan to redeem and restore all of creation through the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus. What has been most shocking to me is how the all-powerful God of the cosmos chose a family to start His plan of redemption. As I get older, I become more aware that one thing is true about every family….they are all dysfunctional. Now, this fact is no surprise to the Biblical authors. We have seen some incredibly dysfunctional family dynamics so far in Genesis. This week, the dysfunction continues.
Genesis 25:19-34 begins by moving the narrative forward. Now, it is Abraham’s son, Isaac’s, turn to trust in God for the promise He made to his father. Isaac’s story begins similarly to his father's, Isaac’s wife Rebekah is barren. After forty years of praying to God, Rebekah conceived. This pregnancy was unusually difficult, so she sought a word from God, which foreshadows all that is to come….
“Two nations are in your womb,
and two peoples from within you shall be divided;
the one shall be stronger than the other,
the older shall serve the younger.”
This prophecy would come true in many ways. Rebekah gave birth to twin boys and these brothers were opposed to each other in every way. The plot comes to a head when Esau comes in from the field and begs Jacob for some stew. Esau begs as he believes he is on the verge of death. Jacob takes advantage of the situation and makes a deal with his starving brother, your birthright for my stew. Esau takes this horrible deal, and the author of Genesis gives a short commentary, “Thus Esau despised his birthright.”
In this event, Jacob is given the rights of the first born and becomes the heir to the promise that God made to Abraham. We learn in the following chapters that Jacob is renamed Israel and his immediate descendants become the twelve tribes of Israel.
This story becomes a pillar for understanding God’s sovereignty in remaining faithful to His promise to Abraham and how that promise became the hope for our salvation today. We can stand firm in times of trouble because we serve a God who is faithful to His promises.
This theological understanding of God should lead to practical application in every believer's life. How much more can we persevere in holiness and in the spiritual battle, knowing that the victory is ours and that the end is already written?

Monday Jun 20, 2022
6/19/22 - Your Only Son - Genesis 22 - Pastor Jason Fritz
Monday Jun 20, 2022
Monday Jun 20, 2022
Genesis chapter 22 contains one of the most well known stories in all of ancient narrative. Abraham’s willingness to make an offering of his son is the crescendo moment of Abraham’s faith. How did he get here? What was it that caused Abraham to embark on this journey with God in the first place? The author of Hebrews tells us…
By faith he went to live in the land of promise, as in a foreign land, living in tents with Isaac and Jacob, heirs with him of the same promise. For he was looking forward to the city that has foundations, whose designer and builder is God. Hebrews 11:9-10
Abraham went out because he was searching for a foundation. After you’ve been a Christian for a little while you believe in principle that God is foundational. But then things happen in your life that tests this belief. Difficulties come your way and you begin to wonder - Is God really on my side? It sure doesn’t feel like it. Hard to imagine the quiet moments between father and son as they walked up the hill together. The boy is genuinely curious about how and when the sacrificial lamb will be provided. Abraham moreso. How do you know your faith is strong? You don’t know until it is tested. Remember, Satan tempts, but God tests. So what is the difference? Satan tempts to weaken you, God tests to strengthen you.
The late Elisabeth Elliot, told about a time years ago while visiting friends who owned a sheep ranch in Northern Wales. One day she saw a shepherd pick up a sheep and take it to a sheep dip which is a large vat of liquid insecticide and fungicide, and put the sheep into the vat, and the sheep frantically fought for air. Then the shepherd pushed the head down, but the sheep kept fighting and coming up, and the shepherd kept pushing it down because all of its surface had to be coated with the solution to keep it from getting ill.
Elisabeth said, “I wondered what it’s like to feel like your shepherd is trying to kill you? Then she remembered the death of her missionary husband at the hands of the very people he served and said, “Oh, I remember.”
If this story of Abraham tells us anything it tells us that sometimes your shepherd, who is trying to save you, will feel to you like he is trying to kill you. And that is a dark time indeed. I don’t know what it looks like for you, but I know this: Every human being in history has walked through some sort of dark time. But one day, one day the “third day” will come. It came for Abraham. The Lord provided.
To get a view of Isaac you need to understand Jesus. Consider the parallels: both were only sons, both offered on a mountain, both traveled with donkeys, two men accompanied them, both carried wood on their backs. The ram was stuck by thorns and then sacrificed, Jesus was also stuck by thorns and sacrificed.
You see, the story of Isaac points to Jesus. God never intended to sacrifice Isaac’s life. His life was a giant neon sign pointing to the cross. We see ourselves in Isaac. Bound for death but saved by another. Only the cross makes sense of this story. Because the Lord did provide.