
Tuesday May 16, 2023
5/14/23 - The Greatest - Matthew 18:1-4 - Jason Fritz
Tuesday May 16, 2023
Tuesday May 16, 2023
This Sunday is Mother's Day and for some it’s much like Father’s Day in the sense that it can be difficult. The parent child relationship is a dynamic that is felt both positively and negatively over the course of one’s life. Of course parenting is one of, if not the most rewarding, exhausting, joy and tear-filled relationships a human can experience on earth. Being a Mother is a sacred thing because parenting is a sacred role. Moms have the future in their hands. Discipleship training starts in the home and what makes it so incredibly challenging is that like us, those little creatures have their own sinful free wills! Every good parent wants to be great at helping mold their child into a well-functioning human, but for the Christian parent there is more. We want to lead our children straight into God’s kingdom. So this Sunday we turn our attention to what lies closest to a Mother’s heart - a child.
In Matthew chapter 18, Jesus speaks with his disciples about greatness. For several chapters Jesus has been proclaiming the kingdom of heaven. He’s been revealing principles and virtues that are different from this earthly kingdom in which we live. To sum it up is to say that the kingdom of heaven is pure and righteous and the kingdom of earth is corrupt and broken. One day we will experience the fullness of the heavenly kingdom when we are there, but until then we can actually bring a taste of the heavenly kingdom to the earth through our Christ-like words and actions.
As Jesus is explaining things, the disciples start to think about what it’s going to be like for them in that day. Unfortunately, their attitudes become earthly while thinking about what is heavenly. They understand that every kingdom has a king and every king has a court so each wonders, “Where will I be in that chain of command? Will Jesus select me to be his most trusted advisor? Who will be the greatest?"
Jesus’ response is shocking. He calls to himself a little kid, places him in their midst and says, “The one who displays the humility of this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven.” What is the meaning of this? Well, a child is not worried about climbing the social ladder or befriending only those in power and influence. A toddler is not concerned about where he or she stands in the social hierarchy of humanity. They are completely unaware of these things. So if you want to be great, be little, like a child.

Monday May 08, 2023
5/7/23 - Lord of the Sabbath - Matthew 12:1-8 - Pastor Hudson Garcia
Monday May 08, 2023
Monday May 08, 2023
I was talking with a friend this week about how the most terrifying stage with kids is when they learn to say “no.” He followed that up by expressing how his kids would typically say “no” about either seemingly irrelevant things or just super dangerous things. When he would ask them, “Please do not walk into the street,” his toddler would respond with a resounding, “No,” and would then dive headfirst into traffic. We laughed, and then we cried because it was too true.
Unfortunately, for many of us, our desire to say “no” to authority does not go away after our toddler years. Most people, myself included, do not like submitting to authority. I believe that it is our inability to submit to an authority that actually has us worn down and tired all the time.
In Matthew 12:1-7, Jesus makes one of His most scandalous claims in all the scriptures. “For the Son of Man is lord of the Sabbath.” This comes after the Pharisees rebuke his disciples for plucking heads of grain to eat on the Sabbath.
The Sabbath is a very important commandment and a commandment that God cares deeply about. By Jesus’ day, the Pharisees had taken this commandment and added so many rules and regulations to it that it completely missed God’s original intention for giving it. God’s heart behind the Sabbath law was that of mercy, rest, and worship.
Jesus did not come to revert us back to a more original version of the Sabbath law, He came to bring a new Sabbath reality that all started on that Sunday morning when the stone was rolled away, and the tomb was found empty!
Because of the work of Jesus, we do not have to wait 6 days every week for the opportunity to enjoy God’s Sabbath rest. As Christians filled with the Holy Spirit, we have access to Sabbath rest, all day, every day. However, our biggest roadblock to enjoying this rest is our own desire to control our lives. This week let us take Jesus’ words seriously and acknowledge that He alone has authority over our lives, so we can rest, trusting that He is ultimately in control.

Monday May 01, 2023
4/30/23 - Sheep Wolves Snakes Doves - Matthew 10:1-22 - Pastor Jason Fritz
Monday May 01, 2023
Monday May 01, 2023
Jesus is so good. He always gives us what we need to accomplish what he has called us to do. Sometimes the provision includes a warning. That’s exactly what we get in Matthew chapter 10. Jesus has called us to make disciples and according to him the road will not be easy. Consider these words...
"Brother will deliver brother over to death, and the father his child, and children will rise against parents and have them put to death, and you will be hated by all for my name's sake. But the one who endures to the end will be saved.” -Matthew 10:21-22
This hatred stems from division brought by truth delivered in grace and it’s not easy; especially when division comes into your home. Be faithful, knowing that the one who is warning you is also committed to you. Read the last half of verse 22 again…"But the one who endures to the end will be saved."
In Acts chapter 14 we see Paul and Barnabus in the city of Iconium. The city has rallied against them and how do they respond? Do they say, “Oh no, opposition, we better quiet down!” No, instead this happened, “So they remained for a long time, speaking boldly.” -Acts 14:13
The Apostle Paul understood the warning and affirmation. Imprisoned and soon to die, he writes a letter to his own disciple. The young man is Timothy. In this writing Paul says there was a man named Alexander who was adamantly opposed to him and caused a great deal of harm. He says this about the conflict…“But the Lord stood by me and strengthened me, so that through me the message might be fully proclaimed and all the Gentiles might hear it. So I was rescued from the lion’s mouth. The Lord will rescue me from every evil deed and bring me safely into his heavenly kingdom. To him be the glory forever and ever. Amen.” -2 Timothy 4:17-18. Notice the presence of God in the face of danger. Paul says the Lord stood near and strengthened him so that others might hear the message.
If you always back off whenever you face opposition, you will never accomplish anything for God because Satan will always oppose any step you take in faith. Some have never faced any opposition because they don’t believe it’s necessary to share the message. Remember Christian, if you really believe Jesus died on the cross to forgive people of their sins and thereby usher in eternity with God - then there’s no other option! Remember, if God is for us, who is against us?

Tuesday Apr 25, 2023
4/23/23 - Pray For Laborers - Matthew 9:2-38 - Pastor Jason Fritz
Tuesday Apr 25, 2023
Tuesday Apr 25, 2023
Jesus met people in their moments of need. Perhaps the most remarkable, humbling and dignified thing about it is this: Jesus wants our help in spreading God’s compassion to those who are hurting.
Then he said to his disciples, “The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few; therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest.”
-Matthew 9:37-38
The harvest could very well represent the Old Testament concept of judgment. The Bible is clear in stating that one day God is going to make all things right. That’s a problem for humanity because we do wrong. We need to spared from what is to come. How does that happen? We must be told about Jesus. Therefore, Jesus tells us to pray for laborers who will enter into God's harvesting of souls.
This command has greatly affected my prayer life. Many times I have said, “God, soften their hearts” or, “God, bring them to their knees.” These requests are good, and I still speak them but what must be included is this: “God bring someone who will tell them about Jesus. God send those laborers!" You know what happens when I bow and offer this prayer? God begins to say to me, "What about you? What is stopping you from being one of those laborers?”
Jesus heals a man with a demon. His life is radically changed and he begs to become disciple number thirteen. Jesus’ reply is unexpected. He says, “No, I’ve got something else for you.” The man became an answer to Jesus’ prayer...
As Jesus was getting into the boat, the man who had been demon-possessed begged to go with him. Jesus did not let him, but said, “Go home to your own people and tell them how much the Lord has done for you, and how he has had mercy on you.” So the man went away and began to tell in the Decapolis how much Jesus had done for him. And all the people were amazed.
-Mark 5:18-20
Once again we read the words, “Go and tell.” You and I are the laborers for which Jesus prayed. People are praying for you and the relationship you have with someone they love. You are the answer to their prayers if you will open your mouth and tell them about Jesus. Give them your story. Speak about what Jesus has done for you and enter into the harvest of God!

Tuesday Apr 18, 2023
4/16/23 - Beware The Wolves - Matthew 7:14-20 - Pastor Jason Fritz
Tuesday Apr 18, 2023
Tuesday Apr 18, 2023
In Matthew chapter 7 Jesus brings the Sermon On The Mount to an end. Previously he has spoken of two gates. One is narrow and the other is wide. The narrow gate is restrictive (only one way and few enter) but it leads to life. You can’t earn your way through and you certainly don’t deserve what’s on the other side, but by God's grace he opens it for you through Jesus. The wide gate is broad and easy to enter, however, it leads to destruction. As we learned two weeks ago, the wide gate represents man’s vain attempt to gain heaven through his own efforts.
Now there are some who stand at the crossroads of these two gates and want to help you make a decision. They want to direct you toward the wide gate. This is not in your best interest. They stand there like a crosswalk guard holding up a “GO!” sign and escorting you through uninterrupted. Jesus describes them in this way...
“Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep's clothing but inwardly are ravenous wolves. You will recognize them by their fruits. Are grapes gathered from thornbushes, or figs from thistles? So, every healthy tree bears good fruit, but the diseased tree bears bad fruit. A healthy tree cannot bear bad fruit, nor can a diseased tree bear good fruit. Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. Thus you will recognize them by their fruits.
-Matthew 7:15-20
This is a stern warning. These people lead others to hell and cause disunity within the church. It’s interesting that the warning is not: “Beware of the cults, the culture, the atheists or the government." Instead, Jesus says we should be looking for people in the church who appear as servants. In reality, they are using us and they know exactly what they are doing. In other words, the greatest threat to the church is not from without but from within. Jesus gives us what we need to identify and respond to the wolves in sheep’s clothing.

Wednesday Apr 12, 2023

Wednesday Apr 12, 2023

Monday Apr 03, 2023
Monday Apr 03, 2023
For several hundred years the church has spent the Sunday before Easter observing the triumphal entry of Jesus. He arrives in Jerusalem during Passover week on the back of a donkey. This event is commonly referred to as Palm Sunday. Luke chooses not to record the actual waving of palm branches but Matthew does. This is the kind of praise fit for a monarch. When a victorious king rode into town on his warhorse the people used palm branches to signal their loyalty and respect. But when Jesus rides into town he’s making a statement that was lost on many. He’s saying, “I am the true king, and not the kind you expect.” You see, when we examine the details of this event, we find some things that are very unusual. It turns out that Jesus is a king unlike any other.
The religious zealots in the crowd are watching the arrival. They don’t like this donkey ride. Donkeys implied peace so they would much rather see him on a white stallion ready to lead the rebellion against Rome. They didn’t understand Jesus’ purpose. In fact, very few did. If Jesus came riding a white horse, wielding a sword and chopping up Romans - what good is that? Instead, he says, “No I’m not coming in human power, I’m coming in divine humility and my kingdom will have a greater impact than you can imagine. It will not be established by force. I’m a different kind of king. I am a King of love and power.” This was proven a short time earlier when he raised Lazarus from the dead. Jesus is not like the kings of this world. He is the humble King who comes to serve and to die for the people.
The history of human kings isn’t a great one. The world has been led astray by those who have said, “Give me the power and I will make decisions for you!” This doesn’t end well. The only king that won’t oppress you is Jesus because he died for you and he will liberate you - from yourself. How do we know this? Because Jesus comes riding not on a warhorse but a donkey.

Monday Mar 27, 2023
Monday Mar 27, 2023
Jesus said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. John 14:6
This Sunday we’re going to look at what might be the most controversial statement spoken by Jesus. It’s the very thing that had him killed. If you ask people living in the Valley what they think about Jesus, most will tell you they like him. From what they understand, Jesus seemed to be peaceful, loving and kind. This was his message to others so the world could use a little more Jesus - right? The Doobie Brothers speak for many - “Jesus is just alright with me.” (That dated me.)
If this is the case, then why did the people in Jesus’ day crucify him? There have been many famous leaders who preach the message of love and kindness but they didn’t end up nailed to a cross. Why Jesus? I submit to you that if Jesus was walking the earth today as he did 2000 years ago, many people would dismiss him fast. Why? Because of the claims he made about himself.
Perhaps no statement is more confrontational than what he spoke in John 14:6. I use the word confrontational because that’s exactly what it is. Jesus did not leave any safe middle ground. In other words, his posture was, “You will either have to crown me or you will have to kill me, but you can’t simply say that I’m just a good person. This notion that I’m some kind of safe middle ground is not an option. You either accept me for who I say I am or you’ll have to say that I am the world’s greatest liar or I’m some kind of crazy person.”
Some say Jesus is being too exclusive. Let me give you a different perspective…
Christianity is the most inclusive thing in the world and here’s why…Many believe that only the good find God. As long as your good outweighs your bad, then you’re in the heaven club. This is the basis for all the world’s religions - earn your way to God by doing good things. Do you not see how incredibly exclusive this is? No one is consistently good. If we projected all of your secret and private thoughts on the big screen over the course of just the last 24 hours you would be horrified. You would die inside. Only the good find God; no, that’s way too exclusive for me. I prefer this: John 3:16 “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life. It’s not just the good people that can have eternal life, it’s “whoever believes.”
When we follow Him in “the way,” we can be assured of following Him all the way to heaven!

Monday Mar 20, 2023
Monday Mar 20, 2023
"Enter by the narrow gate. For the gate is wide and the way is easy that leads to destruction, and those who enter by it are many. For the gate is narrow and the way is hard that leads to life, and those who find it are few."
-Matthew 7:13-14
Jesus is concluding this amazing sermon on the Galilean hillside. He speaks of two very different gates. What does it mean? Context is important. All throughout this sermon Jesus has been calling out the religious leaders for their hypocrisy. If you imitate them thinking you will find life, you couldn't’ be more wrong. The religious leaders were actually going through the wide gate which signifies a dependence on ourselves. They attempted to obtain their own self-righteousness and salvation through trying to do things outwardly to impress others rather than total dependence upon God and faith in Jesus.
Many think the narrow gate means that one must follow the laws of God, attend church, tithe and pray. But this is what the religious leaders did and with the wrong motives. Therefore, they were far from God. They gave and prayed in public to be acknowledged by others. Outwardly they did all the right things but in the wrong way. So the narrow gate is not what most think.
Instead, the narrow gate represents the gospel of grace that is found in Jesus. This is far more radical than you know. The narrow gate has a person saying, “I can’t be good enough to get through any gate that leads to God!” Many hope the gate is wide enough for all of their human efforts to gain God’s approval. The truth is, your good efforts don’t even come close so you actually need something narrow. You need only one thing - the grace of Jesus.
When we enter through his grace we then live in that grace and the world opens up to us. Jesus says, “Enter the gate first, and then you live your life.” You don’t have to try and live a good life and then at the end of the road hope the gate will be open to you. Herein lies the difference between Christianity and all other faiths. Christianity says that Jesus has unlocked the gate for you so come on in. Other faiths tell you that you must earn your own keys. Broad minded people say, “All good people get into heaven!" and what this means is you are saved by what you do. So in reality this is extremely narrow because you would have to be perfect and totally sinless. Narrow minded people say, “I don’t have a chance to get in on my own, only by the grace of God through Jesus do I get in.” Do you see the difference? Narrow is wide and wide is narrow.
For you personally, here’s what it means….It means not wasting any more time and energy trying to appear outwardly in a way to be accepted by the culture, but rather asking the Holy Spirit to live in you, to change your heart, and transform you into the person God made you to be. God sees the inward appearance of the heart.